In August of 2021, at the launch of a new academic year, when the hustle and bustle on campus was underway, there were still looming challenges of a global pandemic that impacted ministry and limited opportunities. Uncertainty and despair were nagging sparring partners. Though, at just the right time, a recent alum of the Wesley A-State campus ministry made a donation that helped change the outlook to hope and enthusiasm. Her name, Adara Williford Newsome. What follows are answers to some questions Dennis Ellzey, Director/Campus Minister at the time, sent her to get some background on her Wesley A-State experience.
How did you first hear about our organization/ministry? Adara: I had a high school friend who was older who went to Wesley and told me about it. What made you decide to get involved? Or what made you decide to give toward this? Adara: My friend roped me into going and would meet at a spot in the union to walk over to it together. Why do you think others should get involved? Or why do you think others should give toward this? Adara: Wesley provides a sense of family and home away from home. How has our organization/ministry impacted you already, or for the role you have in life right now? Adara: Wesley allowed me to take a leadership role which helped me grow which has been instrumental in the leadership roles that I have taken in my career. What do you hope you will gain from being involved? Or what do you hope your investment in our ministry will accomplish? Adara: I hope Wesley will continue to be a place for college students to find a community of love and acceptance. If you were talking to someone else about being involved, or about giving to our organization/ministry, what would you tell them? Adara: I would share all that Wesley has done for me and how important it is in my own life. What do you wish everyone knew about our organization/ministry? Adara: That Wesley is a place where you do not have to feel alone. If you had a million dollars to give to our ministry, what would you hope it would be spent on to maximize our impact? Adara: I would say a good portion on outreach to increase Wesley awareness on campus. I would spend some money to get a new ceiling in the worship building as it is hideous looking. I would also increase the living areas so more students could stay at Wesley as I feel having people there all the time allows Wesley to be more open and a place to relax outside of worship. Lastly, I would want to spend it on connecting Wesley to Jonesboro through mission and outreach efforts. Wesley is a great community, but I think it needs to do more things to assist its community. - A conversation on Facebook Messenger between Dennis Ellzey, Campus Minister, & Adara Williford Newsome
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